The comparison of carbon nanotube and active carbon and graphite nanofibers used as electrode material is also presented . a composite electrode material comprising carbon nanotubes and ruthenium oxide is obtained and the capacitance of supercapacitor reaches 270f / g . the carbon nanotube and the natural manganese oxide compounded for the first time and the initial results were achieved 本文采用纳米碳管作为超级电容器电极材料,得到比电容量为110f g的超级电容器结构单元,讨论了粘结剂、电解液等多种影响因素,并与乙炔黑电极和鱼骨状碳纤维电极进行了对比;制备了纳米碳管与氧化钌复合材料,得到比电容量为270f g的超级电容器结构单元;本文还首次将纳米碳管与大洋锰矿复合用作超级电容器电极材料,取得了初步成果,为天然矿物的开发利用开辟了一个新的发展方向。